Probiotics Testing & Analysis
Due to the increasing number and continued use of probiotic products, it is crucial for manufacturers and suppliers to perform probiotic testing to ensure the highest quality products reach their consumers.
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are a live biotherapeutic product (LBP) that contain live bacterial and fungal organisms, which are native to humans. The most common probiotic bacteria species belong to the genus Lactobacillus or the genus Bifidobacterium. A large number of probiotic bacterial species contain within them several strain types. A probiotic strain is a genetic variant or subtype of a species.
Many probiotic bacterial strains are able to provide very specific health benefits to an individual. Health conditions that probiotic bacterial strains may be able to improve include:
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Poor digestion
- Vaginal health
- Lactose intolerance
In addition, probiotic bacterial strains may also help to boost the immune system, improve mood, reduce stress, reduce bad gut bacteria, neutralize toxins and improve the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract.
Due to their health benefits, probiotic products continue to increase in their use and popularity. With so many probiotic products now available in this expanding market, consumers are seeking probiotic products with the highest quality, purity and authenticity. For this reason, it is absolutely vital for manufacturers and suppliers to perform probiotics lab testing and have laboratory data that confirms the identity and authenticity of the claimed probiotic organisms in their probiotic products. Therefore, proper testing of probiotic products is of the utmost importance to the success of probiotic manufacturers and suppliers in order to successfully compete.
What We Test
Helix Biological Laboratory performs probiotic testing on raw and finished probiotic products to confirm the identity of specific probiotic species and strain types in single raw product samples and probiotic blends.
The majority of probiotic products are composed of multiple bacterial strains, and the blending together of multiple probiotic bacterial strains to create a single complex product poses challenges to the manufacturer. The more complex the probiotic blend, the more difficult it may be to test. Using valid probiotic testing methods and a laboratory that possesses the expertise required to perform these specific tests is paramount to manufacturing a quality probiotic product.
Our Probiotic Testing Method
Given the challenges of testing a complex probiotic product consisting of multiple bacterial strains, it is important to select a laboratory that is well versed in their knowledge and understanding of probiotics. A probiotic testing laboratory must have the ability to unequivocally confirm the presence of each individual probiotic bacterial strain in a product that is a blend of multiple probiotic strain types. Only an experienced lab like Helix Biological Laboratory has the technical resources and expertise to perform probiotic strain confirmation.
Helix Biological Laboratory performs probiotic strain confirmation testing by using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique coupled with specific DNA markers that are unique to each probiotic strain. Currently, Helix Biological Laboratory has a “library” of more than 70 DNA markers for the identification and confirmation of specific probiotic bacterial strains.
Who We Test For
We perform probiotics testing for a number of probiotic companies and manufacturers, including Nature’s Way, Health Wright Products, US Pharma Lab Nutritionals, and MeriCal.

Partner with Helix Biological Laboratory
Probiotic product testing by a laboratory is not a “one size fits all” approach. It requires detailed communication and strategic planning between the manufacturer and the laboratory performing the testing, in order to determine the specific testing protocol required based on the probiotic strains in the blend. Consequently, designing and developing a probiotic product testing protocol involves comprehensive preparation and precise laboratory execution to ensure success.
Using an experienced lab, like Helix Biological Laboratory, is an absolute necessity to guarantee the highest quality testing possible. Contact Helix Biological Laboratory to assist you with your next probiotic testing project.