Innovation – Why Choose Us?
Innovation begins with an idea, followed by the means to transform the idea into reality. Helix
Biological Laboratory recognizes the importance of developing new products that answer the
needs of our consumers and create new demand for them. By being a proactive agent of change,
Helix Biological Laboratory’s mission is to create disruptive new technologically advanced
products and be first to market with them.
Current research and development is directed toward the continued design and development of
point of care (POC) diagnostic testing kits that utilize highly advanced DNA amplification
techniques that include Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP).
These LAMP based diagnostic test kits are designed for use as a simple screening assay
conducted in the field or at the point of care by an end user with little to no previous laboratory
testing experience required.
The sensitivity and specificity of LAMP gives it great utility as a
diagnostic or detection technique that can be developed into diagnostic test kits capable of
detecting specific microorganisms that include bacteria, fungi, viral and protozoan organisms, as
well as distinguishing insecticide resistance/susceptibility in specific insect pests.
Turning our innovative ideas into reality will do well to serve and benefit the medical, food and
beverage, agricultural and environmental industries.